Se si è nuovi in FreeCAD, è molto probabile che ci si stia chiedendo con quale Ambiente di lavoro si debba iniziare a lavorare. Questa pagina aiuterà a scegliere da dove iniziare.
Gli ambienti di lavoro sono insiemi di strumenti, pulsanti, pannelli e altri elementi dell'interfaccia raggruppati insieme. Vanno considerati come un'applicazione all'interno di un'applicazione. In FreeCAD, gli ambienti di lavoro solitamente raccolgono una serie di strumenti adatti per uno scopo particolare, come il disegno 2D, la progettazione di oggetti 3D, la progettazione di barche, la progettazione di traiettorie di robot, la progettazione di edifici e molto altro.
FreeCAD viene fornito con diversi ambienti di lavoro integrati, ma ne sono disponibili molti altri e possono essere facilmente installati tramite il gestore dei componenti aggiuntivi.
I nuovi utenti di FreeCAD generalmente iniziano a utilizzare e ad apprendere uno o due ambienti di lavoro specifici, quindi esplorano altre aree di FreeCAD e aggiungono gli strumenti che trovano interessanti per le loro competenze. Prima di immergersi in ambienti di lavoro specifici, tuttavia, assicurarsi di leggere le pagine Iniziare e Navigazione nello spazio 3D, poiché forniscono conoscenze generiche di cui si avrà bisogno ovunque in FreeCAD. Il Manuale di FreeCAD è un altro buon metodo per scoprire FreeCAD passo dopo passo, in modo lineare.
Il primo ambiente da utilizzare dipende da cosa si intende fare con FreeCAD. Di solito si vedono i nuovi utenti arrivare con uno dei seguenti requisiti:
Questo è probabilmente il caso più comune tra i nuovi utenti di FreeCAD ed è quello migliore in FreeCAD. È dotato di un ambiente di lavoro specifico per questo caso: l'ambiente PartDesign. PartDesign contiene anche tutti gli strumenti di Sketcher, quindi si imparano e utilizzano due ambienti di lavoro in uno.
Quando si inizia un nuovo modello con PartDesign, in genere verrà prima richiesto di creare un Corpo. Un corpo è allo stesso tempo un contenitore per sottoforme e il risultato, l'oggetto finale. Va pensato come un oggetto = un corpo. Il corpo, anche se può essere composto da più parti, deve sempre rappresentare un unico oggetto assemblato, senza parti separate. La maggior parte delle operazioni eseguite su o all'interno di un corpo impediranno di creare parti separate.
Molto spesso, ciò che si farà all'interno di un corpo è la seguente successione di operazioni:
And repeat this process until you get to your finished object. See the list of tutorials below for more in-depth information and examples of typical modelling processes. When you have finished modeling your object, it is time to send it to the 3D printer. This usually means:
There are many other places in this documentation to learn more about the PartDesign workflow and how to use the Sketcher:
The first part of your use case is pretty similar to the one above. You would typically use the PartDesign Workbench, which also contains all the tools of the Sketcher Workbench. You will typically design one body for each individual part of your assembly.
Once you have your different parts, you'll need to assemble them together. FreeCAD does not at the moment feature a default, unique assembly workbench. Rather, there are several assembly add-ons that you can easily install via the Addons manager:
The one best for you to choose depends on your requirements, and it's not easy to tell beforehand.We suggest you try Assembly4 first, then try Assembly3 if you need something more complex, or A2Plus if it is too complex for your needs.
Although FreeCAD is primarily a 3D application, it has all the tools to fully draw and annotate complex 2D designs such as house plans, and to either print them, export them as PDF documents, or export them to other formats supported by other traditional 2D CAD applications, such as DXF or DWG.
The workbench of choice for 2D Drafting is the Draft Workbench. Draft features all the tools commonly found in traditional CAD applications, such as lines, rectangles, arcs, splines, hatch fillings, texts or dimensions, and tools to modify objects, such as move, rotate, extend, scale, offset and so on.
The objects you draw can be grouped together using groups or layers, and the drawings you create can be exported as DXF/DWG files, or placed at a certain scale on a sheet that represents a sheet of paper. This sheet can then be printed or exported as a PDF file.
Differently to traditional 2D CAD applications, though, FreeCAD is primarily a 3D CAD application. So a first step you will need to do when starting to work with Draft tools is to choose in which plane of the 3D space you will want to draw your design. Traditionally, this is done in the XY plane, which would be a horizontal plane laying on the ground, at altitude zero.
In Draft, you do that by setting your working plane. The working plane is where next drawing operations (line, rectangle, etc) will be done. You can change the working plane anytime, but you also can set FreeCAD up so it always starts with the working plane set to the ground XY plane, and never worry about this anymore.
Make sure you read how to navigate in the 3D space, so you know how to set your viewpoint to look directly at your working plane from above, and get back to that viewpoint if you move away from it. This will ensure you a comfortable working space, similar to the application you know.
Once your working plane is set, all you need to do is start drawing. Explore the list of available Draft tools to know what is there, but they will basically behave similarly to other 2D CAD applications. For example, draw lines that represent the boundary of a terrain, or a rectangle that represents a house.
When working with Draft, you usually draw in real size. One meter is one meter. Make sure you set up your working units to your liking. Also, make use of the snapping tools to position your points precisely.
Grouping your objects can be done using groups or layers. Layers are simply groups that can control the color and other aspects of the objects placed inside them.
When your drawing is ready to be exported, simply select everything you want to export (or the groups/layers containing them), and use menu File -> Export, and choose the DXF or DWG format. Note that DWG capabilities of FreeCAD depend on external software.
To print or export your drawing as a PDF file, you make use of the TechDraw Workbench. TechDraw is used to create printable sheets, place on them templates and other page graphical elements, and views of your 2D or 3D models. A typical workflow with Draft and TechDraw includes:
Here is more material about Draft and 2D drawing in FreeCAD:
Your workbench of choice is the BIM Workbench. The BIM workbench contains all the tools usually found in BIM applications to model building components, such as wall, window, door, etc. It also contains most of the Draft tools, and uses the same working plane concept, where your next objects will lie on the current working plane.
There is no mandatory building structure organization (ex. floors) in FreeCAD. You can choose to group your BIM objects into groups or layers, similarly to Draft, but you can also make use of the Building Part object to represent levels or buildings, and achieve a similar organization as usually found in other BIM applications.
Most BIM tools such as walls and windows will create an object on their own, by selecting options in the task panel and clicking points in the 3D view, but they can also all work by selecting other objects before. For example, you can draw a wall by selecting the wall tool and then clicking two points, but you can also draw a line or polyline first, then, with that object selected, press the Wall button. A wall will be built on top of that polyline, and use it as its baseline. If you modify the polyline, the wall will change accordingly.
The different BIM tools such as wall, window, column, etc... will produce a corresponding wall, window or column object. However, the type of the produced object is defined by and only by its IFC type property, which can be changed anytime. So you can use the wall tool to model a beam for example. You only have to change its IFC type from "wall" to "beam" afterwards.
Similarly, any object created with another workbench or even another application can become a BIM object. Using the Create component tool, you can add BIM properties (included the IFC Type property) to any other object.
After creating a BIM model, which is nothing else than a 3D model where all objects have defined BIM/IFC properties, you can do several operations such as:
Here is more material to learn about BIM modeling in FreeCAD:
The best way to go is probably to browse through the FreeCAD manual. The manual is designed as a flowing, printable sequence of chapters that will gently guide you through everything there is to know about FreeCAD.